Thursday, November 3, 2011

Essay Topic Number 103 November 3rd, 2011

103. Tell us about a person who influenced your life in a significant way. (Princeton)

Growing up without parents can be hard, even if it is only for a couple of years. When I was 10 years old, my brother, Austin, was diagnosed with testicular cancer.  With him being only 3 at the time, my parents had to take him to one of the premiere children’s hospitals in the nation, Cincinnati Children’s Hospital. Of course, they decided that it would be best for my sister and me to stay behind and live with my grandma. My grandma, Virginia, is the nicest, most uplifting, and most caring and selfless individual that this world has ever seen. The fact that she volunteered to take my little sister and me in for those 5 years shows that she posses qualities that not every average American has. It’s clear that during the time I spent with her, being her so-called “son I never had” was the best time of my life (so far). Her amazing quality of selflessness rubbed off on me during my stay. Before I went to live with her, I would spend my days thinking only of myself, trying to figure out what I could do that would best benefit me that day. Only after I went to live with my parents again did I realize that I was always looking to help others. Since then I have always remained true to my grandmothers values. Instead of waking up in the morning and thinking, “What does I want to happen today?” I wake up wondering when during the day will I encounter someone that looks like they could use a hand, and, of course, just like my grandma, I always have and always will be ready to extend that hand to a person in need.


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